Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Where can I take my painting to be carbon dated, ex ray etc?

My painting has already been looked at by experts, that claim it is 1660's. Now I need doented proof to actually sell it. An opinion is not as effective as tested proof. We are talking about a self portrait of Rembrandt, done by a student. I've been doing research on this oil paintings and Rembrandt for 3 years. Again, I'm already past the point of needing to find out what I have, Experts have made it clear, just need a simple name of a lab that will test it. Metropolian, and some other famous well known experts say, they feel it's of that era, They all feel testing it or carbon dating is the next step. Now I need an expert to tell me where and who does this testing. LOL When dealing with art that's at this level, an opinon, even in writing is still just an opinon. With no disrespect to the experts. The fact is, most people in the art world all claim to be experts. Since the Jackson Pollock doentary, the art world as been discredited and slightly exsposed to not know half as much as they claim, so now most people spending millons for art, want real proof. This last year, when a Rembrandt was sold for 4.5 millon dollars in london, after the museum Experts claimed it wasn't real and was only worth 3,500, is another great example. Not only real, was worth 30 millon. So back to cardon dating, I read C-14 is what it's called, I googled "cardon dating on oil paintings"

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